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To book your kick off session or learn more email us now

What is Robocup Jr?

Robocup Jr is a robotics competition for New Zealand school aged students. There are four different branches; Rescue, Theatre, Soccer and online.

Robocup Jr Rescue involves designing, building and coding a robot that is capable of following a line and turning the correct way at intersections, avoid obstacles and then locate and remove a “victim” represented by a can. Works best with Lego Mindstorms, SPIKE, VEX or home built Ardunio/Raspberry Pi robots, in teams of 2. Ages 8 – 18.

For more information click here: Robocup Jr Categories

Robocup Jr Theatre involves teams designing and coding a 1-2 play or dance where robots are the actors.  Students come up with the theme, design and build sets, costumes and props and code the robot(s) to move autonomously.  Any robotics equipment can be used. Works best in teams of 4. Ages 7 – 18.

For more information click here: Robocup Jr Categories

Robocup Jr Soccer requires teams to code two robots to play a game soccer. The robot needs to autonomously respond to the movement of the ball, their team robot and the opposition.  Works best with Lego Mindstorm, SPIKE, VEX, in teams of 2.  We recommend teams have experience with Rescue before working in soccer.

For more information click here: Robocup Jr Categories

Online Competition: Artbot, HelperBot and Bio-Mimicry These online competitions challenge you to use your robotics skills to compete in a different way.  Teams develop a project and submit a video and engineering journal of their work.

For more information click here: Robocup Jr Categories

How do I participate in Robocup Jr?

You can get started yourself by referring to the rules:

On Stage:



In our supported regions you can book in for a free kick off session.  Kick off sessions are a full day and can be tailored to include a introduction to Edison Robots.  The standard sessions include; an introduction to Robocup Jr Theatre, how to tell good stories, key tips for props and next steps.

Our Robocup Jr Rescue Kick Off Sessions are currently only available in Rotorua.  These cover an introduction to the competition and walk students and teachers through the theory behind the coding required and support students and teachers to create the code required.

Sessions are available during the following dates in the following regions:

Auckland: 18th Feb – 11th April

Waikato: 10th March – 28th March

Rotorua and EBOP: 1st April – 16th May

Masterton: 17th Feb – 7th March

Wellington and Nelson TBC

To Book a kick off session for your teams please email


How do I register or get more information

Regionals are happening around the country this year.  If you’re outside one of our regions please email

To register for a regional click here

West Auckland: 4th May

South Auckland: 3rd May

Waikato: 15th June

Rotorua: 15th June

EBOP: 14th June

Masterton: 5th April

Wellington: TBC

Nelson: TBC

Nationals: 30th/31st August in Nelson TBC

To book a kick off session or see what support you can get please email

What equipment or tools do I need?

The most important tools are a robot.  You can use any robotics equipment for Theatre, but Rescue and Soccer work best with Lego SPIKE, Mindstorm or VEX robots.

For theatre you will then need materials to make costumes, props and sets.  We recommend any craft materials you have handy, plus the use of old Real Estate signs as bases to work from.

For Rescue and Soccer you will need access to playing mats to practice with.  There are some available to borrow.  We will be using the MTA modular tiles  at regionals and nationals – please reach out if you would like to know the differences.

If you’d like to chat feel free to email us to answer any of your questions