On Stage
On Stage – Novice
The novice division is the entry-level division for RoboCup OnStage. All members of the team must have 2 years or less experience in OnStage competitions. Robots must perform autonomously on a 2 x 2 metre stage
Open Division
The open division is the highest-level division for RoboCup OnStage. Any team may enter the open division. Any team that is not eligible for the Novice division must enter the Open division.
The Open Division is recommended to teams who are developing advanced robotic solutions and teams with less than two years’ experience may wish to join to have the opportunity to explain their technical solutions.
Riley Rover
The Riley Rover division is the entry-level division for RoboCup Rescue Line. This is open to both Primary and Secondary school aged students. All teams members must have no more than 2 years experience in Rescue. Teams need to be able to locate a can, avoid an obstacle and go over a ramp.
Primary Rescue Line
The Primary Division for Primary School aged students. All members of the team must be in primary school. Teams need to be able to turn at the intersection (green tiles) and go over speed bumps
Secondary Rescue Line
The Secondary division is the next level up division for RoboCup Rescue Line. Robots compete on the same field as the Primary Rescue Line and play under the same rules, however, when Secondary Rescue teams reach the chemical spill they need to find ‘the victim’ and control it (contain or grab) and then manoeuver it out of the chemical spill, rather than simply push out of the spill area. They must also be able to deal with discontinuous lines.
Teams who win in Secondary rescue are strongly encouraged to compete in Soccer in the following year.
The lightweight division is the mid-level division for RoboCup soccer. Robots can be made from anything – you can use LEGO, custom build your robot, or have a hybrid of both. Robots must use infrared sensors to follow a special ball which emits infrared light. Each robot must be a maximum of 1.1kg and fit within a 22cm cylinder size limit.
Online Competition
We will be running three categories in the Online Competition:
- Art Challenge: Submit a photo of a piece of art drawn entirely by a robot. You will also need to submit a video of your robot creating the art.
- Helper Robot Challenge: Design a helper robot designed to make people’s lives easier. Submit a video of the robot in action.
- Bio-mimcry: Design a robot which solves a problem using inspiration from the natural world or design a robot which replicates a creature.
How do I register or get more information
Regionals are happening around the country this year. If you’re outside one of our regions please email jessica@ministryofinspiration.org
To register for a regional click here
West Auckland: 4th May
South Auckland: 3rd May
Waikato: 10th May – TBC
Rotorua: 15th June
EBOP: 14th June
Masterton: 5th April
Wellington: TBC
Nelson: TBC
Nationals: 30th/31st August in Nelson TBC
To book a kick off session or see what support you can get please email